acupuncture face lift
Acupuncture facial rejuvenation is a treatment based on the principles of Oriental Medicine and includes the application of fine needles in specific areas of the face through energy meridians (Qi).
Specific points are selected to manipulate the movement of energy (qi) in the body according to the needs of each particular individual.
Aging lines regularly disappear completely and deeper wrinkles are noticeably reduced or completely eliminated.
The bags under the eyes are noticeably reduced, the cheeks are reaffirmed and strengthened, puffiness and fluid retention are eliminated, as well as the jowls are minimized or eliminated and drooping eyelids are reinforced.
Other results include, smooth and moisturized skin by promoting the circulation of energy, blood and lymphatic system of the face; the production of natural collagen is increased, muscle toning, skin contraction, open pores are reduced, restores the brightness of the eyes; improves hormonal balance to benefit acne on the face; reduces stress on the face and highlights the person's natural beauty and glow.
Once the needles are removed, and in order to soothe and restructure the skin, a revitalizing and remineralizing Casmara Gold Mask is applied. This mask has been formulated based on 24k gold powder, minerals and seaweed extract. A combination of assets that make GOLD MASK a unique mask. The 24K gold powder provides a tightening effect on the face and neck, and also favors the action of minerals with an intense nourishing and revitalizing action.
Seaweeds give GOLD MASK an intense moisturizing power.
The unique and exclusive Algae Peel-Off Facial Mask sets on your skin, favoring the penetration of the active ingredients of the mask and cream.
It allows to cover eyes and lips acting where others do not reach.
Lowers the temperature of your skin by up to 6ºC, providing a draining effect on bags and dark circles as well as firming, toning and soothing the skin.
Algae Peel Off Mask is an exclusive and avant-garde way to provide unique skin care.
Acupuntura facial
Acupuntura Facial
Gold Mask
Acupuntura facial
Who can benefit from Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation?
Anyone who wants to feel and look young as well as stop or slow down the process of
aging. The decision to receive such treatment is purely personal. This treatment is recommended for those with deep wrinkles on the face, expression lines or aging, bags under the eyes, puffiness or sagging cheeks, drooping eyelids, jowls, open pores, dry skin or acne.
Each person is evaluated and treated according to the fundamentals of Holistic Medicine as a whole, Body, Mind and Spirit.
Benefits of Acupuncture Treatment for Facial Rejuvenation
Improves muscle tone and skin contraction
Increases the production of natural collagen.
Helps reduce and eliminate bags under the eyes
Helps significantly in rehabilitation for people with some type of facial paralysis
Helps eliminate swelling by improving metabolism.
Helps eliminate fine lines of expression on the face and noticeably reduces large wrinkles.
Improves Hormonal balance
Moisturizes the skin by increasing the lymphatic and blood circulation of the face.
Reduce or eliminate double chin.
Refreshes the eyes.
Assists in lifting droopy eyelids.
Reduces obvious stress on the face.
1 hr 15 min
80 euros